Rick "SentaiRick" Busby 6/29/73 - 6/9/13 A friend. A brother. A pioneer in internet radio. SentaiRick, as I came to know him, was a character unlike any other. From when I got to know him via IRC in #alt-mmpr and his channel #ko-35, Rick was always a friendly and welcoming force, knowledgeable in such diverse topics as professional wrestling, anime (especially Gundam Wing), internet radio, Power Rangers, and Transformers. He worked for WXRA in North Carolina when I met him, and he was kind enough to show me that control room when I went to visit him. But his love of radio didn't stop at the broadcast airwaves. After a foray into Live365, Rick founded Rangerplex Alternative Webcasting Network (RAWNet), and invited some friends along for the ride, including myself and our mutual friend "KJ Dekker". Due to some misunderstandings that were later swept under the rug, RAWNet dissolved and resurrected as Final Frontier Radio. Rick continued to broadcast until he was taken from us at far too young an age. He is dearly missed by all who knew him, and Hot Spot Radio is forever dedicated to his memory. On July 2, 2014 HSR broadcasted a memorial show for Rick, featuring remembrances of Rick in both story and song. If you would like to listen to that program, click here. |